Friday, 3 September 2010

Jokulsarlon (Part 1) - Thursday 2nd September

After a long drive we arrived at Jokulsarlon, a pro-glacial lagoon, just beyond Skaftafell (where they filmed a part of Die Another Day). We then ate our lunch and then ventured up the slope so we could get a better view of the Icebergs and Glaciers beyond.

After a few group photos with the icebergs behind us we went down to the shore of the lagoon. A lot of us journeyed down to the beach where some icebergs lay stranded.

The group that were left sat around on the shore looking for seals. Suddenly there was an almighty crunch and a large slab of ice broke away from the structure and the back sank raising the front end out of the water. Wow!

After we soaked up the lagoons natural beauty we piled back onto the coach and traveled to Skaftafell Park.

Amelia (Year 10)