Friday, 3 September 2010

Jokulsarlon - Thursday 2nd September (Part Two)

The first stop of the day after a tiring six hour coach journey was at the Jokulsarlon pro-glacial lagoon. Stepping from the coach we were greeted with a burst of cold air and magnificent views of the beautiful icebergs floating in the shimmering blue lagoon. The icebergs varied in all sizes and colours from clear blue, to a dirty black. This glacial lagoon had previously been used as a film set for the James Bond movie “Die another Day” where they froze the water over for a thrilling car chase.

Whilst walking along the shore we found some ice-blocks that had been washed on to the rocks. We were amazed by the patterns that the air bubbles created in the ice. George found himself a small iceberg, which he was very proud of. We also followed in Mr. Pittam’s footsteps and found ourselves becoming avid rock collectors, searching intently to find pieces of volcanic rock. We were looking for black rocks with air bubbles in, which would have happened when the lava solidified. They are black due to traces of the mineral Basalt.

We also saw the effects of global warming in action as we witnessed one of the icebergs snapping in half and crashing into the water. Jokulsarlon is home to some fascinating wildlife, such as seals, and various species of bird, including Eider Ducks, the Great Skua and the Red-Throated Diver.

Before leaving we took a walk down to a very unusual beach, that had black sand and Icebergs in the sea! It was strangely beautiful and the whole experience was radical!

By Sophie, Beth and Hannah.